Presenting an exquisite arrangement that infuses a unique mix of ravishing pink, vivid purple, charming peach, and pristine white roses. Along with the enthralling roses, the arrangement also features delicate white and pink hydrangeas, accompanied by vibrant hypericum to accentuate the floral design. All these splendid flowers come wrapped in a sophisticated black box, adding an element of elegance to the entire ensemble. It’s a perfect gift for any occasion that signifies the art of gifting with a touch of panache.

225.00 د.إ400.00 د.إ


Flowers Box

The beauty and romanticism of BELLA roses make them the perfect choice for any special occasion.
such as Valentine’s Day, a wedding, or an anniversary. Pink roses are a traditional symbol of romance, while purple roses indicate admiration and love. Peach roses are associated with friendship, and white roses signify innocence and purity. Our Bouquet of these four colors of roses will make the recipient feel cherished.

Festive bouquets often include a combination of pink, purple, peach, and white roses, adding an air of romance and beauty to any wedding, anniversary, or Valentine’s Day celebration

Bella flowers box can create a unique ambiance at weddings, serve as centerpieces, and decorate other spaces. This flowers box come in shades of pink, purple, peach, and white, which make them perfect for floral arrangements for corsages, boutonnieres, and other occasions. As well as being visually appealing, they convey lots of emotion and show the sender’s consideration. Whether for a wedding, anniversary, or Valentine’s Day, these vibrant roses create a lasting impression.


Small Box (Box Included)., medium Box (Box Included)., Large Box (Box Included).

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